
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Daily: Day 3

Another day past, and another one that I am on the ball! I've got yesterday's December daily page all made! They might not be the most beautiful pages, but they are serving their purpose of getting the info down and recorded!

Here is Day 3!
 This is the spread. I attached today's photo to the back of the one from the previous day, and then journaled about a new tradition we are starting around our house, and how my husband surprised me with an early Christmas gift for it.

A friend talked about how one of her friend's family would set the table with all the nice dishes on the first of December and eat every meal together as a family at the beautifully set table throughout the month. I loved the idea, so I got out some nice glasses and dishes and set my beautiful table. The only thing missing was nice silverware. I didn't have a matching set at all, so I set it with some shiny plastic ones from the dollar store. When I told my husband about it he decided to give me one of my gifts early.

He had purchased me a beautiful set of silverware as a gift! And so I could enjoy them with my new tradition he gave them to me early. They really make the table look even better!
 Here you can see the journaling from the previous day poking through. I thought it would be fun to take these photographs on the table, since that is what I am talking about.
 A little more of a close up. Love the glittery letters I used!
And a very close-up of the photo! Even in the picture you can tell how wonderfully shiny and beautiful they are! He said he spent hours trying to find just the right pattern for me! How sweet is that?

So there you have it! Day three down! This week is going to be a difficult one to find stories, since we are pretty much sticking around the house. Next week should be more interesting, with a Holiday party, my birthday, and a few fun excursions planned! I am looking forward to getting to the more interesting stuff, but little things like this are great too!


  1. I think you have a pretty good Christmas tree story. It's one that you'll all laugh about some day.

    1. Still not laughing about the broken one last year.

    2. I hope they aren't starting a habit of this!

  2. Fun story! Love the idea of making the table really nice for December...might have to snag that one.

    1. I loved the idea too! My dishes haven't especially though. I lost three glasses in two days! Good thing I got them at Ikea and they are easily replaced. May be going out to get some nice looking plastic ones.

  3. I love your silverware story. Your Hubby is a keeper.

  4. That's a lovely story and your DH must be so sweet.

  5. The closeup pic is lovely. very arty. well done!
